13 Summers unites the embrace of storytelling with ambient sound-design and passionate delivery. The inevitable climb of King Moosa continues.
Lion Tribe manages to be both the catchy, self-empowering anthem that contemporary pop needs, and a notably alternative, artistically crafted indie hit.
Introducing a rapper and artist with lashings of confidence and creativity to gift the scene – Zadquiel marches to the beat of his own drum throughout a chaotic and captivating London Style.
Singer and songwriter Dave Vargo excels himself once more with the beautifully poetic, simple yet striking Fault Lines.
Catchy and colourful good vibes from a timeless DJ Super Will bring dancehall to centre stage amidst an energising arrangement – introducing the memorable Lady Paradise.
Doug St. Amand leads with absolute purpose and story throughout a deeply moving, poignant and powerful Addicted.
Negus Deante goes hard and heavy throughout a fast-paced, mighty and memorable Van Exel.
Craig Adam Johnston unites rhythm and melody to quickly infectious results with Right or Wrong.
Driving with absolute heart and passion, as per the implications of the title, singer and artist Jean Michel crafts a deeply moving, captivating expression of unity and oneness.
Taking the emotive metal fans right back their roots with the sheer embrace of distortion and deeply moving vocals, Life Never Lost get personal and powerful, with Blue.
Artistic and nostalgic yet fresh in its unpredictable progression through a fairly perfectly crafted five minutes. Mexican artist and producer Ke chida Shaso shakes up the scene.
Retro grunge vibes of distortion and heavy riff-work guide us into a breathy and expressive Full Of Sin from a committed and passionate Swilly.