A laid back, easy to listen to string of vibes consistently relating to the theme of drinking & intoxication.

Rebecca Cullen
An entire evening of high energy entertainment & awesome live music to kick off the New York summer time in style. June 10th, 18:30. Don’t miss out.
A strong reminder of the sheer talent & passion that is currently thriving within the independent creative community, not least of all among producers.
A true songwriter. The songs portray superb & often charming stories that need to be told, in whatever manner the artist & the mood deem worthy.
The artist’s unique perspective is well worth listening to, the added benefit of course is that the music surrounding this is ever creative & clever.
There are numerous hooks & riffs to revel in but there’s equally as much genuine emotion & reflective artistry. Well written, thoughtful, inspiring songs.
A captivating wall of sound that soaks you in psychedelic images, a powerful dreamland that pays tribute to the absolute grit & truth of real life.
Not just an appealing, straight to the point album title, but the doorway to a vibrant & beautiful gathering of songs from a passionate songwriter.
As the beat drops in & the leading vocal erupts into a passionate & powerful melody, the whole thing enters a brand new realm. It’s insanely impressive.
A little bit of all that is beautiful, presented in an unpredictable way. A minimalist set of building blocks & a gorgeously peaceful few minutes of audio.
The band have a sound that’s theirs; considerate songwriting, unique creativity, thoughtful structures, powerful statements & addictive riffs & melodies.
The delivery has a sort of spoken word style to it, a presentation of poetry, questioning lyrics, deep thought, consideration.