The guitar work is perfect, simple yet effective, instantly recognisable after even just a single listen. Soon enough, the song’s lyrics start to take hold, sinking in with the emotional depth of something incredibly real & heartfelt.

Indie RockRock

What stands the tallest about this version of Where Is My Mind is Costi’s rap verse, particularly that opening set of bars – it comes so unexpectedly & proceeds to effortlessly pour these fresh ideas & rhymes out to you in a calm yet confident way.


Daniel has done well to create something unique. What’s interesting about this song though is that musically it appears as a totally alternative, beautifully alt-pop sort of track, satisfying yet incredibly unusual & constantly in conflict with its own energy.

Alt PopHip-HopTrip-Hop

Battle Scars is a totally smooth & easily recognisable song. It feels fresh, mellow, creative, and it presents audiences with the sound of an artist who knows his intentions & his influences, and drives with individuality regardless – in a subtle but certain way. 
