The quality and brilliance of this collection deserves to be heard by so many. Chances are this is still merely the beginning for Sister Speak

Rebecca Cullen
This fusion of yesteryear and today works in a refreshingly honest and endearing manner. The song is incredibly addictive and an easy joy to have pop up within any modern playlist.
The song has become something else, been given an alter-ego of sorts, dirty and thick bass-lines and distortion pave the way for the sentiment and the ideas to crawl through.
Tali Leda is driving with creativity & passion, her music showcases this in every respect & her live performances are absolutely stunning.
Land are an Italian band creating down-tempo electronic music & songs that come through seemingly inspired by Depeche Mode & Massive Attack alike
Roddie Mira’s single No Loyalty is a huge track, everything about it screams style & professionalism intertwined.
Slow Cheetah’s self-titled EP has every bit of character and identity you might hope for when seeking out unique, creatively free music. From the offset, Drama Sells The Lies pours a number of striking elements into the room around you. The title intrigues, the mood of the music accompanies this well, and the artist’s leading voice and … Continued
The ideas inspire hope yet again, a delicate level of motivation and understanding – it makes you feel as if everything will be ok
San Diego 8-piece The Innocent Bystanders have released this four-track EP comprised of songs written over twenty years ago – reinvented for this project with a fresh touch of modern musicality
Philosophy offers a whole lot of what you’d hope for from that title. Listen & get thinking, let it generate those ideas we rarely take the time to entertain.
Ethan Wood is an artist, through and through – to express musically seems so natural in everything he creates.
You become increasingly impressed at how every single bar is comprised purely of song titles. From Eminem to Lorde to Aerosmith to The Beatles – there’s no prejudice in the choice.