There’s depth and a little sadness, this song in particular brings together these elements in a captivating way. The more you hear, the more it connects.

Rebecca Cullen
I think it’s really easy to see through a song that doesn’t come from an honest place, and to me it’s a turnoff. I do my best to write in a way that every word is exactly what I mean to say.
Alien Skin’s fine balance between entrancing rhythms & fragments of provocative ideas is fascinating & gives the listener a strange sense of privilege; as if this exclusive experience has only been had by the lucky few.
The song offers a supremely mellow beat, well-built & easy to vibe to – creating the ideal kind of chilled out ambiance within which music fans can embrace the very sentiments of the song & enjoy the good times.
Smooth & strong vocals lead the way, drawing you over initially with a spacious, near-acoustic musicality – a gorgeous guitar part – and a series of lyrics that paint a picture of overcoming & moving forwards.
This entire EP is a simple joy, inspiring songwriting with a cheerful outlook and an undertone of truthfulness that’s well worth appreciating.
The artist name encapsulates many of the feelings incorporated into the EP. The struggle is clearly very real, but the work that came from it is quite magnificent – often the way things tend to go in art & music.
A good song to begin with but a stunning one by the time it nears its finish. The latter half really lets the artistry of the moment take the wheel, allowing that alternative freedom to shine brightly.
Sempre Caoz make music that screams out for you with its gritty, passionate, nostalgic & anthemic embrace. Still Alive is a huge song, one that incorporates the perfect balance between influences from the various sub-genres of rock.
The shared effect of these releases is that you get to witness both the high energy, polished presentation of a single, and the stripped back, raw acoustic set-up of an intimate live performance. In both cases, The Blue Artic easily meets the requirements of the moment.
He writes to remind himself to act & in doing that he offers the audience a similar feeling – an infectious energy that pushes you to take steps towards your goals.
Twelve tracks & not a single moment is filler or worth skipping over – far from it. I could listen to this three times in the day & not tire of it. It’s been a while since that was the case.