The track works hard structurally, and Annika as a leading lady works equally hard to maintain that level of smooth & simple good times. The song is not overly optimistic or loud, far from it – there’s a subtlety to the warmth & enjoyment it drives with, and this is a big part of why it works so well & is likely to appeal on a much broader level.


Following the release of his superb new album Drank & Bottled Up Emotions, we were blessed with the opportunity to interview artist and rapper Byron Bank, to find out more about his creative process, his thoughts on modern rap, and his hopes for the future. Here’s the conversation in full.  * * * Hi Byron – thanks so … Continued


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Mute Davinci doesn’t hide behind anything – the music and the lyrics work as a unit to portray a sense of realness and purity. Even when effects come into play, they’re artistic choices – not something included just to sound relevant or to overcome a bad vocal; far from it. Mute’s voice works well in just about any setting.


17th Letter is an artist with a clear understanding of crafting an ambiance and a moment both musically and vocally with his releases. Kawasaki introduces precisely that style of creativity in an instant, slowly building a soundscape around its listeners that’s all at once contemporary and calm.


Gangsta rap has taken something of a backseat in recent years, thanks to the rise of mumble rap and other sub-genres of the hip hop world. Strong A.R.M works hard to reignite that spark. His voice stands immensely tall on this record, the verses reach out thanks to a spacious and lightly synth-washed backdrop, so your focus is on the words – the journey, the bars, the calm yet intentional delivery.


Fusing a fairly retro, ukulele-driven soundscape, and a delicate, distant vocal melody, with a heavy bass-line and a crisp, contemporary rap flow, the song is anything but familiar, and yet it makes perfect sense just the way that it is.

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