Fresh from the brand new album On My Way To Space, Forest makes for a blissful hit of freedom – and a strong starting point if you’re new to the musical endeavours of uav.

Rebecca Cullen
Superb vocals guide us through the twists and turns of this emotional and musically immersive rock journey. Listen loud.
The UK’s own COLL is flying high with his own uniquely recognisable take on contemporary hip hop.
Spoken-word-style freely meandering hip hop along the vein of a recently viral Hobo Johnson pours through, alongside emotively dreamy music, as Speedtart kicks off this uniquely unsettled outpouring.
Melodically memorable, questioning yet loving, musically hypnotic – MazkhaY aims well with this one, and speaks from the heart.
Accessing the surreal nature of modern life, the past two years in particular, Moonflower acts as an artistic and softly thoughtful reaction to turmoil.
Moving from intriguing to melodic then over into addictively catchy on a lyrical and rap delivery front, the single is stylish and loaded with good vibes.
As a quirky and catchy single for the summertime – UFO more than meets the mark. A lovable alternative to much of the current mainstream.
Already engaging audiences with this project, a track in our playlist and the rest on repeat – Philly-based Athensville blend indie rock musicality with brilliantly addictive and passionate song-writing.
The final third delves into passionate uncertainty, the voice peaking, the guitar wandering into distortion & bends, the bass notes storming through with far more urgency.
“I definitely think live performances are important. I think that’s the biggest thing I need right now for exposure – I don’t have an ideal spot but any place with a crowd and a mic I’m ready to bless any stage fasho.”
Virginia’s Capital 4 craft a sound and style of their own with this release – a song that increasingly fuses genres and bends expectation in a refreshing way.