Everything about this track hits hard, it feels completely fresh, unique, recognisable as its own thing, and completely different in a lot of ways from anything Ooberfuse have previously done.

Alt PopDanceEDM

The feel of the music is the sort that uplifts in itself – reggae has a way of making even the most melancholy of topics seem a little lighter or easier to handle. Everything about the release seeks to uplift & inspire hope.


That saxophone is addictive, the beat has a nostalgic touch of something gorgeously retro about it, the melody brings hopeful emotion into the mix. A totally uplifting, inspiring piece of music. Listen loud. 


Yung Quip’s musical catalogue is growing fast & strong. Structures is his latest EP release, along with a couple of recent singles & a previous EP released only this January. Hard work pays off.


On Ithenfal’s Wing have their sound & have no issues owning it entirely. Fans of progressive rock or rock with a genuine performance aspect will likely find themselves hypnotised by these songs.