The immense new release from artist & creative producer Cody JN. The track emerges like no other & continues to overwhelm with a continuously experimental, hypnotic soundscape that cascades around you.
This feels like a long lost hit from a simpler time. The beat & the vibrancy, the build up to the hook, the hook itself – all of this works in the way that mainstream music does. The added benefit is that this feels totally alternative right now.
Exactly the song you’d expect it to be, as well as nothing like you might have anticipated. Young Mane lets his lyricism & anger run wild, giving off something of a freestyle feel at first, later evolving into this rhythmic, hypnotic spiral of lines & moments.
A totally unexpected EP for so many reasons. The music alone makes for something you rarely come to experience anymore. As things progress, you’re introduced to more & more intricacies & traits of the character behind it all.
There are numerous times throughout this project at which something completely surprises, really helping keep it appealing & enjoyable. This is an extremely personal, characterful album that also presents a lot of skill & thoughtfulness.
The unexpectedly haunting new single from Pauline Frechette. This dark or deeply reflective jazz aura emerges, alongside of which Pauline’s emotional performance seeks to captivate & hypnotize listeners.
It’s always interesting when you come across a musical composition that seems to, in its own artistic way, represent its concept by means of every element involved. The song underlines a sense of emotional disconnect with every fibre of its being.
The project brings back the artist’s uniquely creative approach to music production. This is the work of a composer, a musical craftsman. The sound is so crisp & real yet equally smooth & dreamlike.
It’s great that the music is able to lull you into a comforted state, you can let the good vibes of the sound pour out & be an enjoyable part of your evening. It’s a clever way to get something out there, without having it weigh down too heavily on the listener.
An intimate, free-flowing, organic folk-pop song that is joyfully calming to witness. The recording style has a raw or vintage vibe to it, enhancing that intimate feel & making this appear is if it’s being performed right there in the room with you.
There’s an inspiring sense of freedom that occasionally comes through with independent music releases, usually it’s when the artist has written & composed in a way that is, in itself, free from expectations or limits. This is the perfect example.
The track features a fairly minimalist set-up – a simple gathering of synths & sounds, a dreamlike mood that works really well in line with the songwriting.