Varied in mood, emotion, pace, detail, weight and intrigue – life is such a bother cleverly proves a reliable antidote or method for drowning out and relieving the weight of a bothersome life.
Easily the most versatile, eclectic project from Ivy so far, and musically a definite highlight given the natural connection between the soundscapes and the grit and passion of the voice.
Lake Nights proudly go where few other producers and artists dare to – the realms between genres, the creative worlds that require a level of fearlessness and a boldly open mind.
Daring to suggest, perhaps, but you’d be forgiven for believing, should you not be familiar with popular music from previous eras, that Ferris Durden’s Dancing In The Dark was a timeless pop-rock original.
Quirky alt-pop with a strong sense of identity – HONEY keeps things creatively contemporary with this melodic and ambient, emotionally honest new single.
Cherry Bomb reignites the original smartness and sharp identity of hip hop; artistry of purpose, intention. A total pleasure to let play.
Story-telling and immersive, bold sound-design unite with intriguing phrasings and ideas for a powerfully unique single; one that quickly takes you back in time.
Fuzzy bass and retro keys lead us into a nostalgically smooth No Stress from rapper and artist B-Funk.
Superb, boldly addictive in energy and style, honest and open, focused on strengths but unafraid to showcase weaknesses in the details – a perfectly titled project.
Haunting world-music vibes kick up a creatively immersive Death Of A Star from producer Ninegrass’ new project Haha Jokes!
Retro synth melodies and heavy bass-work back up a soulful RnB vocal for this catchy and intimate new single from Lenken.
A self-produced, self-written and performed project that delves into the dark pop realm with one last gasp of contemplation.