“Life is not always going to be kind. People are not always going to be kind. You can’t control that. However, you are in complete control over how you allow these to affect your life and your mentality. Mindset truly is everything.”
Matt Reilly has crafted a hypnotic fusion of organic bass and delicate, dreamlike electronica with this consistent favourite from the current weekly playlist.
Gorgeously poetic writing and intimate deliveries allow the purity and uncertainty of the writing to really take hold.
Fresh from an album designed to reflect on the impact of 2020’s pandemic – Fall is a single that introduces the project Dreamcalledlife, and indeed the artist Jemantajimanii, in a memorable way.
Retro bass & echoes of classic dance make up the layers that lead us into this new alternative disco-pop single from Dejhare.
Undoubtedly an artist at the top of her game, and the perfect vocalist to offer up such a relevant & heartfelt hit of songwriting.
“I hope to bring integrity, self- empowerment, and consultation for those who will come after me, giving them tools that could hopefully make their path a little smoother.”
Songwriter and artist Dejhare (Pronounced Dei-Jhar) reimagines a collection of originals from her first album for this exotic and engaging new project D7.
Cwest has captured a sound of his own right now – the music is fresh, the stories too for the most part, and the performances are consistently passionate and powerful.
‘Nofre Nuggets is a great collection, and an easy playlist to turn to whenever you need it – superb musicianship, arrangements and production, and a mighty ode to some classic surf-rock.
This remix of the single Forever from Cherry-Ilex effectively reimagines the track in a completely new setting.
I guess what I’m saying is the album leans into something akin to a multi-sensory experience… intellect, emotion, poetry, visual story-telling, painting with sounds… if you choose, all are engaged by this melting pot that Vlasse has put together.