No matter how strong the storm is you will come out still a rainbow, you can’t have a rainbow without a little rain.
I refuse to release any music that I don’t fully believe in. Music should be visceral & beautiful, it should sting, while reminding you how lucky you are that you get to listen.
I have a lot of raw emotion that I want to get out & I find writing music to be that for me. I can be expressive with my words & the beauty of it is, it can be interpreted to my listeners own personal experiences.
The industry is right behind those acts that dress in dungarees with moustaches howling down the mic, which is great but I feel like we’re not introducing anything new. Time for a greek guitar slinger to stand & sing about KFC & Uber, don’t ya think 😉
The point is that artists can’t just pick & choose what the muse is. It has to be uncovered. Then it becomes intentional. If the light bulb doesn’t go off in your head, don’t do it. Don’t write it or cover it unless you’re sure that it moves you.
Authentic music will always find an audience. I really think there’s an appetite & pent up desire for something authentic, and I’m sure it’s out there somewhere. I’ve heard bands lately, and I can’t figure out why they bother. And don’t get me started on tribute bands.
I have serious doubts about the future of rock & roll. I don’t really hear anyone doing it. It’s a lot of DJs & rappish kind of stuff, singing to a backing track or jam bands & tribute/cover bands, which I don’t get at all. It’s like why would you go see people playing other people’s music?
Bruce Lee was a hero of mine growing up, I’ve probably seen Enter The Dragon more times than any other movie. He was ahead of his time, not just in terms of martial arts & being an Asian actor, but he was also a great philosopher. He was a maverick & made no apologies.
Live performances are extremely important for artists. It’s our opportunity to connect with our fans directly. Audiences can expect high energy & preparedness.
Go for it!!! We only live once & dreams are meant to be chased in this life. Believe in what you do & others will have no choice but to believe as well.
If it wasn’t for this creative outlet I would have lost my mind. I want people who are going thru things in their lives to take this project as an example of what persistence & never giving up your dream can lead to.
When I was writing the song, I was wishing so desperately that I could change the way my mind worked. I feel so often in my life that my thoughts are miles ahead of my actions & I’m just dazed in a mess of overthinking. That’s why I wanted to slow down.