Whoopi Goldberg’s character in Sister Act said “if you wake up in the morning & you can’t think of anything but singing, then you’re supposed to be a singer”. That’s the way it has always been for me.
There’s a speech at the heart of it – a graduation style reminder of the depths of the world and our roles within it. In addition, the music has a certain hypnotic softness that fills the room in a soothing way.
Amaru writes for an audience, you can hear this throughout the album – the collection is eclectic, inclusive, and ever-changing; never falling victim to one single way of doing things.
When I’m working with music or performing I forget everything else. It’s my escape room.
The presentation of this topic, the evolving sense of emotion, and indeed the additional vocals that strengthen certain moments in a choir-like fashion – all of this underlines the song’s inherently real approach to expression in a powerful way.
I think the song is really an anthem for single people with texting anxiety. I guess its purpose is to make people not feel so alone & encourage them to laugh at themselves to overcome this anxiety.
The production on the song is brilliant, the hook is repeated using instrumentation – distortion, fuzz, effects & volume – unusual but effective, you find yourself uttering that hook melody, those three words, even when they’re not being sung.
This album is all about the songwriting. The music varies so much – and that’s a great thing, you never get a chance to grow tired of anything. There are so many good hooks & the arrangement allows the quieter moments to stand as tall as the louder ones.
Ferreira has a respectable way with writing and performing – it’s humble but professional, and effective in giving us those good vibes we seek out in music. The upcoming album is undoubtedly one to look out for.
What’s not to like about a track like Visions… Everything about this song speaks subtle volumes for the positivity and optimism within it.
Bad Habit it as an easy hit, fusing genres and offering the comfort of something that flows but that also sticks to its own sense of creativity.
Never has an album name been more on point, in hindsight. This is an easy must for music fans and those who like to enjoy the good vibes, good rhythms, and not take life too seriously.