Where Michael Bublé has quite famously re-delivered this genre to the masses in recent years, he did so with a certain softness – Doug Ferony offers it up with weight and a seductively raspy finish.
One by one I found traditional songs that I thought worked well with my solo piano arrangements. Those are the ten songs that ended up on Toyland.
Contrast is utilized well throughout this project, so rather than the jazz vibe just flowing freely, there’s direction & intention – there are subtle moments of weight & change that keep you interested & engaged.
It feels, to me, like the long walk through the Las Vegas casino or hotel – mellow at first, slowly getting stranger & more colourful, eventually veering off down some chaotic hallway where all sorts of impossible wonders are in action.
Fusing elements of swing & jazz with those that are a little funkier or even rock inspired, LoungeZotica 3000 ignite a fresh love for instrumental music with their own clearly passionate, worthy presentations.
Eclecticism is the key throughout this short playlist, but in line with that is an artist with a definite string of individuality within her performances and her approach to expression.
Musically the single works well in setting the right kind of vibe for cosy nights by the fire – the gentle groove has a calming energy about it; set it playing & get to work wrapping presents or writing cards.
Adrian DiMatteo is doing great things for the blues genre and for music in general, his instrumental skills and his creativity fuse gorgeously with his natural vocal talents on this project – its a pleasure to have it on loop throughout an evening.
From the perspective of purely a music fan, this is precisely the kind of skillful but smooth, organic good vibes you can turn up loud and trust in to make the evening feel a little more vibrant
A brilliant rhythm section provides a unique & impressive backbone throughout this instrumental journey. Their music is something of a free-flowing, spontaneous expression of emotions – presented in unity & with an ongoing sense of style & togetherness.
Holly Zell has something quite special & currently very unique about her writing & her musical approach in general, not to mention an unstoppable, ever-impressive singing voice. So many stages await this kind of talent & genuine love for performance.
The album reminds you to work hard, dream big, and stay focused. We all need this sometimes, and Noble offers it up in mass supply on this project, though he does so in a quiet & smooth way. A crisp & wonderful collection from a thoughtful artist clearly driven by positivity.