Roses and Cigarettes fuse thoughtful, heartfelt songwriting with stunning vocals and expressive guitar work, and this EP is a must for genuine music fans far and wide.
POPMFS goes hard on this full-length EP, bringing hip hop fans some absolute classic vibes and some pretty unforgettable new tracks to embrace. Where Ya Been is the perfect opener, a high energy anthem with a melodic backdrop and a multi-vocal sense of togetherness.
I Found Autumn is an instrumental, neo-classical collection that moves delicately between that which is calming & that which is utterly breath-taking. An absolute must for music lovers across genres.
The various vocal sections add further to the passion & creativity – the intensity & pace increases, the song starts to hit harder. The final moments are huge, a backing choir and a kicked up beat create beautiful chaos behind the artist’s soulfully meandering voice.
Beautiful chaos.. the band succeed entirely in winning you over. For a mere two-track EP, Hectic is an intense & unforgettable playlist of pure musical power. saajtak is a name worth looking out for.
It’s very easy to lose yourself in this moment, in the music, the whispers, and the ideas presented. As described within – We are all a part of it…
There’s an unusual level of eclecticism on this project – the harder hitting rap tracks contrast cleverly with the more tentative, delicate ones – something you don’t often come across, particularly within such a short project. Flowasis has some big moments & is respectively creative from start to finish.
This EP is insane – every song is an epic anthem of classic rock, but it’s also never quite as you’d expect. Strangely Alright aren’t afraid to fill the moment with creativity & unpredictable instrumentation. A brilliantly well presented, uplifting collection that marks a huge moment in the band’s journey.
The whole EP has a stunning smoothness to it & in fact, to listen in full is to get the feeling that this is all part of a single thought or feeling. There’s only six minutes to make your way through, but when it ends, you feel the loudness of that silent void quite intensely.
HeRo’s ability to explore ideas & storylines in a clever, artistic, rhythmic way, is immensely impressive. At the same time, he pours heart & soul into his performances, adding even more value. As if the nostalgic artwork for the album isn’t enough to get you pressing play, a promise of the worth within hopefully will.
If you’re looking to feel uplifted, loaded with a sense of confidence and calm united, of possibility, this short but sincere and seductive EP Existence has what it takes to get you there.
Very rarely in life do you come across an artist that has immeasurable levels of talent with an innate star quality that can’t be learned, and just know it’s only a matter of time until they hit it big. Kingsley is one of those artists – his self-titled debut is a master class of the pop-rock genre.