Introducing his brand new album by way of a handful of uplifting singles, Jacob Chacko creates a natural buzz for the incoming project Much Sublime.
Split into chapters, we venture through ultimately hours of melodic and hard-hitting progressive rock realms, the likes of Chapter 3’s riff-strong Raven offering darkness of story, character of vocal, and precision of musicianship.
The style immediately paints an image of an aptly isolated creative, lost amidst the wonder of writing and indeed the search for musical satisfaction; as well as an understanding of the self.
Creating from a place of equal parts contemplation, heart, and definitive skill, composer and producer Niclas Tamas completes his highly-evocative album The Lullabies for explorers of the permanent extension of life beyond Earth.
Homemade indie escapism promises reflective human sentiments, canned vocals and dreamy production, as Blunt Objects deliver the immersive and creative album Shady Shadows.
Death.wav holds nothing back, approaching the depths of contemplation and mania with an insistence on bringing his audience along for the ride.
Electronic sound-play to light up your dreams – Greautcine crafts an immersive and creative playlist to intrigue a wandering mind, with Verano otra vex.
The live aspect is distinctly engaging, and this is met by timeless songwriting and sublime harmonies, led by an expressive and recognisable front-woman, and backed by an overall warmth and optimism that promptly lights up the room.
Always Kilo maintains an unpredictable wave of artistry about his approach to production choices and his time on the mic.
Heartfelt and purposeful writing is a key component of this work, and the vocal delivery and band-unity represent that with absolute commitment all the way through.
As far as shifting the narrative and expanding the creative space of renowned genres, lifelong artist Souleye has crafted something of a humble yet whole-hearted masterpiece with this album.
Neo-classical composer and new age creative Xi Tian crafts intricate, thoughtful and gripping instrumental, the likes of which enchant and embrace listeners, throughout the 2022 album Homesick.