Battle Scars is a totally smooth & easily recognisable song. It feels fresh, mellow, creative, and it presents audiences with the sound of an artist who knows his intentions & his influences, and drives with individuality regardless – in a subtle but certain way.

Rebecca Cullen
The music moves you, every song has some sort of emotional effect, which by the end leaves you feeling as if you’ve just completely re-evaluated your existence & are ready to take steps in a new direction.
Great vibes a-plenty from The Fell Swoop this rainy Sunday. Straight from the soulful swagger of San Francisco, the band offer classic funk & soul with an added flicker of pop-songwriting; fit to fill the boots of any of history’s funkiest live bands.
Nadel Paris is no stranger to creativity & this song highlights her awareness of what works in pop music, as well as her passion for singing & her desire to promote love & peacefulness. It speaks proudly on behalf of possibility & of enjoying life as much as possible.
This sort of energy & perspective hasn’t made waves in this manner since punk-rock first took over the airwaves & the live scene. The organic, acoustic energy of the band makes for an enjoyably rhythmic & quite delicate take on rat-race angst & unstoppable passion.
Bruce Lee was a hero of mine growing up, I’ve probably seen Enter The Dragon more times than any other movie. He was ahead of his time, not just in terms of martial arts & being an Asian actor, but he was also a great philosopher. He was a maverick & made no apologies.
Live performances are extremely important for artists. It’s our opportunity to connect with our fans directly. Audiences can expect high energy & preparedness.
A producer creating those unbelievably hard-hitting beats that so often seem to have been lost or left behind in a cloud of memories.There’s something subtly characterful about the sound. It’s hard to pinpoint, but it’s there – this meeting between yesterday & tomorrow.
To be able to play a musical instrument is consistently rewarding & enhances our everyday existence incomparably. The more people we can encourage to learn to play guitar, the brighter the world will be. Fret Zealot have done an amazing job catering to a contemporary society.
An addictively easy to escape to piece of soul & funk-infused hip hop. The music working hand-in-hand with the rappers makes for something that is levels above the simplicity of ambiance.
A collaborative release created as a result of experiencing an unnecessary & devastating trauma, specifically the shooting that took place at Route 91 Harvest Festival last September.
Rob Penland (aka Uncle Duke) plays what he wants to play & seeks that out consistently. Rob intentionally searches for now sounds, new bands & artists who have honed their sound & their songwriting skills to a point that impresses, entertains & deserves to be heard.