Spotify have famously taken on the Podcast and video realm in recent years, and now announce their inclusion of hundreds of thousands of audio-books available to the premium subscriber.

Rebecca Cullen
The raw stomp of Folk Rock and expressively raspy vocals enchant from the outset, as Germany’s Mino Chelly pours his heart and artistry, into It.
A captivating single and video, seemingly personal but also accessibly vague in its poetic exploration of seeking escapism from the inevitable hammer of time.
“The hardest challenge is off the bat getting venues to let you rent them out, because I’m independent and I’m not a huge artist, even with the same budget I get turned away because of their lack of confidence in me getting a huge turnout, which I understand.”
Both King Camil and Project Pat clearly have the skill and substance to rap for days, therefore not a moment of this release is wasted – no filler, nothing there purely for kicks, all conceptually relevant content that remains purposeful.
“We Can’t Stop was created from the need to inspire and encourage people to believe in the power of resilience despite any obstacles that come our way. It was written during Covid, a time when so many were alienated and questioned so many things.”
“The Glass Man is centered around my insecurity as an artist. With rap, I feel the criticism can be much worse than other genres. I wanted to make this album into a story that unfolds as my emotion and attachment to rap become unglued.”
“Fantastic – what a beautiful year. Even during difficult moments, because we are alive, creating music and pushing forward into the future with great anticipation.”
Classical piano and a catchy choir-led hook guide us into the cinematic, inspiring and boldly entertaining new EP from the UK’s own master of creative Hip Hop IAMKINGZIION.
Inspired by the extreme need for vast environmental change, The Undivide Podcast: Changemakers Addition provides genuine insight into both the impact of a struggling environment, and the possibility and power of positive improvements in a multitude of areas.
“The things we say to ourselves can be so horrible & mean, things that we would never say to anyone else, so you want to become your own best friend.”
“I was thinking on making a very speedy track inspired on a rave. Something hectic and highly energetic, like a car race. At the same time I came up with the idea of being surrounded by NPCs in a party and not really connecting with anyone.”
“I do not see myself as a budding star, just somebody who wants to share his songs with everybody.”