The Silver Bayonets get the conversation going in their own, hard hitting way. Cleverly, or ironically, there’s nothing fake about their writing. They don’t strive to lift you out of your lull with joyful chords & statements of ‘It’ll be alright’, they tell it like it is.

Hard RockRock

The lyrics on this track are brilliant, the opening verse lays out a story-line of sorts – a personal narrative, delivered initially in a calm & quite melancholy manner; the monotonous daily routine seems to have lost its purpose & this shows in more ways than one.


The specifics of the song lean in a number of different directions – snippets of jazz appear on occasion, a definite rock influence is hinted at within the drum line & the electric guitar parts.

PopSoft Rock

A totally unexpected EP for so many reasons. The music alone makes for something you rarely come to experience anymore. As things progress, you’re introduced to more & more intricacies & traits of the character behind it all.
