Christian Heath knows how to write a pop song that feels all at once new & comfortingly familiar. The EP is well crafted, an easy choice for fans of alternative or upcoming pop with a dash of fresh personality. 


Taking a touch of John Butler Trio & a dash of something a little more pop-driven – Jason Mraz comes to mind – Jack Shea offers up a refreshingly well crafted, uplifting soundscape & melody for his unapologetically honest new single.

Folk PopPopSka

This album manages to feel short & quite epic in proportions at the very same time. Across The Board put out new music & creative content as often as possible & there’s no question as to how mighty this level of experience allows their sound to be.

Pop-RockRockRock Opera

The Silver Bayonets write some of the best songs out there in rock music right now. Their energy & lyricism always get to you, and although this track has been approached from a slightly different angle, the authenticity & inherent character of their sound remains.

Punk RockRock

Emily’s voice leads with a softness that appears undoubtedly genuine, and with that comes an inclination to really listen to the lyrics – at which point the authenticity of her writing & her whole approach to creativity reaches even greater heights. 

Folk Pop

Make A Scene strikes with the concept & melody required to make certain it lingers in your mind. The sound is still his, it stays true to his creative desires, but the whole process has been cranked up a few notches & the progression pays off. 


The music is immense, the hook is familiar in an instant, and so when the energy reaches that peak you can barely contain your inclination to sing along. It’s a mighty song made all the more powerful by its delivery.
