Taking clear influence from Chiptune or 8-bit sound creation, Ansonix’ latest offering Fully Armoured is precisely the nostalgically retro EDM banger you barely knew you needed.


A two minute smash, taking a world famous sample & fusing it with raw energy, fresh production, and one of his most memorable hooks & underlying concepts yet. It gets better with every listen. 


Showcasing high energy guitars & an organically authentic drum-line, Someone You Know is a fast-paced yet emotionally warming indie-rock single that presents the Sightline Heights sound & songwriting style in a bold way.


Darick DDS Spears emerges like a long lost legend, never questioning his own abilities, which, in term, gives you confidence in them as you listen. He carries these tracks in a mighty way, and the album in full makes for a refreshingly considerate, colourful project.


A pretty explosive two minute song that offers quite precisely the audio representation of its implied concept. The beat, the melody, the togetherness suggested by the chant-like gathering of voices – it all points in the direction of strength.

Alt PopPop

Sometimes you forget how effective a well captured video can be in reigniting the fire of a mighty single. Seeing him perform this, the passion in his movements, his highlighting of certain lines & words – it really makes the song resonate even more so than before. 
