The album easily gets better and better as it goes along. Well worth a download, support the indie world and discover some fresh and professionally crafted new tracks along the way.
He uses his voice for texture as much as for carving out an individual niche as a vocalist and I’m led to the conclusion that Ete serves the song. Whatever is needed to serve the song is the right artistic choice, and I can only applaud decisions like that with all my heart.
Being a live performance recording, Deep Water has just enough rough edges to re-assure the listener that the talent on show is for real, and actually is playing live. Musically, the pre-chorus chords echo Eminem’s My Name Is, but influences aside, Elta Wave are exploring a soulful pop that has an indie edge and a nod to the 70s – courtesy of sound choices.
Jill has a sweet, bluesy voice, delivering the attention-seeking lyric with an authentic, slightly clipped enunciation that recalls the 1920s, all flappers and Lindy Hops! It displays wit, confidence and imagination in spades – and I hope lots of people get to hear this catchy little number, Because Jill Sargeant’s done a great job with it.
A colourful and fairly classic hip hop vibe meets with an uplifting and melodic soundscape, decidedly and intentionally retro, reminiscent of the nineties, and creating precisely those beach-side vibes and the rhythmic embrace designed to get you feeling good.
It’s a pleasure to hear music like this make a come back, it feels perfectly well suited to some reflective moment of cinema or TV drama, and yet it works equally well as the comforting embrace music fans often need on the long drive home.
D’Antre impresses with smooth yet softly raspy vocals and a selection of engaging melodies on this latest album. Beginning with the poetic and expressive Last Night, the project involves the listener from the offset, whilst also proving deeply personal and intimate in nature – walking the line effectively between exclusivity and accessibility.
The melodies that Megan delivers capture that breathlessness, cleverly using her breathing as a part of the instrumentation. The way she wraps her delivery around the sweet anticipation and nervousness as she hits the big notes on the chorus is tantalising and exciting indeed. Faster made my heart beat faster. It’s a brilliant piece that deserves your attention.
The whole thing makes for an artistically brilliant and clearly well thought-out production, pop-art at its finest. A strong and impressive introduction to both Folded Dragons and the artist and mind that is SoRi.
Driving with an ambient and emotive beat, complex and expressive in itself – the work of producer Sean Wright – True Love proceeds to offer lashings of soulful melody, heart-felt intention, and just enough passionate rap to really let the concept and sound sink in.
LA’s project pronin leads with emotional intention on this latest release, resulting in a decidedly ambient and immersive audio journey, complete with a similarly emotive video that celebrates humanity and human eyes in general.
Infrared is everything the dance or trance fan could want – simple yet subtly recognisable details, a consistent sense of movement and energy, and a brilliantly skillful bit of craft-work that lets the whole thing rain down with an awakening vibrancy.