Fusing the utter high energy of EDM, synth-soaked and fast-paced, with the anthem-like backbone of authentic hip hop, Win Win breathes creative life into the concept of hard work and dedication as a means for success.
HeidiBe’s latest single is an outright ode to hard-work and dedication. Leading with a catchy RnB hook, and offering effective contrast between this and a gritty, clean-cut rap verse, I Put In is something of a hustler’s anthem.
Back with another quickly impressive collaborative effort, OpenSoul’s latest single Good Time is a brilliantly anthem-like, energizing and summer-soaked hit that proves increasingly likable as it pours through.
It’s often difficult to meet creative desire with genuine talent, not to mention impressive songwriting. Jane Q ticks a whole lot of boxes with this project.
Seeing composer and artist Art Tawanghar directly and inescapably address the state of our world, the future we have created for our children, She Is Everything is a heavy-hearted and powerful single – one that holds nothing back in terms of the damage and devastation occurring all around us.
Everything about this speaks volumes on behalf of creative freedom, freedom from genre, freedom of artistry, and at the same time – Mayumi showcases a clear understanding of what works in music, what connects.
His flow switches up at the half-way mark, showcasing a level of versatility, which effectively changes the energy of the track – without affecting the actual pace or weight of the soundscape. It’s a clever creative choice, and it helps keep things entertaining right the way through.
You’d be forgiven for wondering if this wasn’t a classic yet somewhat slept on Elton hit from yesteryear. Fantastic, a great song and really well captured for the recording.
What a treat to review such a well-realised and tastefully-produced song. Impressive, wide-screen, spacious, addictive.
Smart voicings and different little flourishes of colour illustrate a savvy pop nous that elevate the arrangement, with all elements earning their place in a mix that’s ever-evolving and deftly handled.
An intriguing build of a track, with interesting melodic exploration, a great vocal and accomplished songwriting. Nice!
“We have a proverb – ‘water does not flow under a lying stone.’ It means that if you are lazy you will not achieve anything. Therefore, working beyond strength – that’s the way the image should be.”