Following the release of her album Jump In!, Lisa Bouchelle announced a series of live shows with the one and only Glenn Tilbrook, of Squeeze. Despite a busy schedule, the artist and songwriter kindly took part in an interview. Here’s how it went… * * * Hi Lisa, hope you’re doing well – thanks so … Continued
“There are SO many artists out there doing what we do. You really need to stand out above the crowd by just digging deep into your niche and unique style.”
“Acoustic and electric music are not the same. Not even close. It’s an entirely different set of chops.”
“I’ve always had a passion and this burning desire to make beautiful, honest, music and all around just something interesting.”
“The purpose of the project is to create an ongoing, global cadence of awareness to keep this issue top of mind and spur subsequent action.”
“Heartbreak is something that everyone goes through in life, so I’d like to think it’s a relatable song in that instance and if it has an impact on just one listener, I’m happy.”
“Best advice I was ever given was that you should never get comfortable and wanting more isn’t always bad.”
Following the release of her debut single earlier this year, we caught up with artist and songwriter Kristi Jacques, to find out more about her music, her lyrical depths, her aspirations, and plenty more. Here’s how it went. * * * Hi Kristi, thanks so much for the interview – a real pleasure! Your debut … Continued
“I hope we can create a positive global change of perspective with music and theater.”
“If I’m not living and experiencing and observing, I’m not writing. It’s not possible.”
Naturally capturing the hearts of audiences far and wide, with her unique fusion of environmental activism, topical complexities, and contemporary folk songwriting, musician and artist Michele kindly took part in an interview.
“I started showing interest in Hip Hop when I went over to my cousin’s house and he showed me music that he made with his roommate. It was intriguing. It was exciting. It was a whole realm of music that I hadn’t been introduced to.”