Chicago-based artist and songwriter Daniel Cronson offers a smooth and soulful approach to music and performance in his own right, this latest release though sees him collaborate for what seems like a match made in heaven.
“I’m doing this for “me”, not a record deal. I’m not rolling the dice to “make it big”, so that takes away from the stress of it, and allows me to maintain the joy of making music. But I’m still pursuing an audience.”
Dust is a raw and beautifully raucous country-rock track that pays an emotional tribute to the harsh reality of life as a cowboy. As is always the way with Rob Georg’s music, the song deals with the real world – real feelings, honesty, passion and struggle.
It’s a simple song, but it works – everything is on point – effective riffs, minimalism, realness, fun; the makings of a smooth hit are there. A great song and one with a fairly timeless quality.
This is less about genre, more about artistry – creativity and music intertwined and heading wherever the moment takes them.
Jay Spangler has written a retro yet classic tune for his latest single I Don’t Get You At All. Though it’s something of a grower, the track quickly manages to impress with its long-form melody and exploration of that central concept.
Play With Me is an anthem, a shared sentiment of togetherness – and a song we’ll almost certainly be hearing more of as the summer months and the festival season approaches.
That vocal tone and the style of these songs offers a distinct thread throughout, mood-wise though there’s plenty of eclecticism at work, and for these reasons the album makes for a wonderful playlist to escape within. A mighty follow-up to last year’s release.
What is basically an anthem for self-discovery and individuality, “Your Satisfaction is Fake” implores all of us to thoughtfully reflect on the contents of our being.
There’s something very creatively free about Olga Solar’s musicality, and that’s a quality we ought to embrace – on the rare occasion it manages to emerge through the thick haze of alternative options.
The Wonder EP in full is a joy to have in your life. Rather than a playlist to explore for the sake of the artist, it’s one worth exploring for the sake of you – the music fan.
David Alpha does his own thing, without question – from the songwriting through the set-up to the performance – he creates without rules, and it works.