Zoick’s dream of Sophia begins as the music does – a simple and pleasant encounter – but this is clearly just the start of something much bigger. As things progress, the change in vocal tone and subsequently the impact of the song go on to reflect a stark change in language use.

AcousticAlt PopPop-RockSongwriter

As with Folk music, the instrumental and general contour of the melody repeats so that the most importance is placed on the text, in which Rebecca alluringly depicts an image of a Siren on the rocks, distracting those that are near, almost as if she is the siren herself.


As songs with universal messages go, here’s one that exists as a timeless and contemporary production at the same time. Essentially a piano and vocal piece with a few bells and whistles of production glitter, it’s surely designed as affirmation of the highest order. When the chorus arrives with the ‘yeah, you’re different’ lyric, it’s … Continued

FolkFolk PopPopSongwriter

Charles Ryan Davis has mastered the art of turning acoustic simplicity into an absolute performance – emotional and captivating, brilliantly skillful. A live show would be superb, though sadly Charles Ryan Davis doesn’t perform. In a way, this makes this playlist all the more enjoyable – it feels like a rare appearance, a one-of-a-kind chance to escape into something truly unique.

Alt FolkAlt PopFolk PopSongwriter

There’s a certain caliber of artistry represented here that extends skyward without limits. Poetry and societal or political relevance intertwine in again subtle manners that slowly but surely paint a clear and striking picture before you. Meanwhile, oppression and struggle are represented visually by various characters locked in fist fights that edge their way around the building.

Alt FolkAlt PopFolkFolk PopSongwriter