The artist’s now familiar & comforting leading voice delivers the sentiment & the various stages of the song in a perfectly delicate, genuine way. The soundscape showcases a lightly upbeat rhythm & folk-rock energy.


A brilliantly honest song that draws your affection with its lyrical approach to reality, to openness & to the inner turmoil we all feel from time to time. Dario Margeli has written from the heart while touching upon issues of the mind; it’s well balanced & it works.


Suggesting or hinting at the concept of freedom within art or music is very different to entirely encapsulating it. ‘Free’ is the absolute perfect example of a song embracing entirely the concept at its core & successfully passing that feeling on to its audience. 


There’s a lot of space on this record, the vibe is light & atmospheric – laying bare certain ideas & really keeping your focus on the thoughts within, as well as allowing you that room & that time to consider & understand it all.


Flawlessly combining the retro vibes of the 80s with the absolute ear-wormery of modern pop, Perfect Chair is a track you only need to hear once for it to leave its mark. A huge song, immediately satisfying & enjoyable from start to finish.


The wait for an appropriately entrancing video for this particular single makes so much sense once you’ve witnessed the final presentation. The scenery & shots within are offered up in a distinctly natural manner, which makes it connect all the more intensely. 
