There are moments of grunge-like funk in this song that are as bizarre as they are attractive. The music is new, exciting, and completely free of barriers.
The structure has a mind of it’s own, the songwriter has exercised their right to create freely & independently; the result is something quite mesmerizing.
Perhaps the biggest sound of the project, in terms of the instrumental involvement; the complex network of sounds and melodies.
There’s an anthemic & almost tribal sound to the vocals, which at times makes it feel like you’re witnessing some cultural initiation from a far away land.
The word play, the passion, the depth, the honesty, the musical atmosphere. It’s a voice you fall captive to; thought provoking and real.
The alternative sound has been captured very skillfully; at first making you notice it, and later making you glad that you did.
The realness is a massive part of it all, and when you fuse it with those good vibes embedded in the music, it’s a winning combination.
The tales told are vast and unusual, and yet, all the while – the music stands alone as everything trance ever set out to be, way back when.
There is nothing fake or false; Sarantos prides himself on being a real artist, with much of what it is to be human; imperfections and all.
The band return with a beautifully melodic and instantly classic sounding song, reminding us of everything we first loved about them – and so much more.
There’s a delightful bit of soul featured throughout, fused in with a whole lot of everything that is modern and new about chilled out electronic music
Falling is a track that sounds like any strong & smooth pop song should, yet the artist brings a brand new energy and positivity to the scene.