Individuality is hugely important in independent music, and with Cesare’s music you get a good mixture of this with a comforting sense of familiarity.
Such a musically satisfying song. A truly beautiful yet minimal soundscape within which you can lose yourself for a while.
You learn a lot about the mind and the character of the artist, which gives it a very accessible touch.
A huge amount of focus and dedication is consistently clear. The ideas seem to span much further than the lines in the song allow.. a gorgeous effect.
The creative freedom is vast & relentless, and the result is something that consistently surprises and seduces you, further and further at every turn.
What it does is force you to form ideas, to make up lyrics as you involve yourself – exactly the kind of effect producers should be looking to achieve.
It’s a gorgeous song.. one that really makes you think – as does much of the rest of Will Adams’ music.
A great track, a fantastic debut, and the attitude aglow within the artist’s words and performance is something that will take her as far as she desires.
“There should never be a reason for conflicted or confused young people struggling with feelings of sexuality to commit suicide.” – Sarantos.
It’s a busy world, you have to make the most of now. Any artist expressing this kind of hopefulness is well worth a listen in our book.
The backing track is striking, the storytelling equally attention grabbing and captivating. Every line seems to reach into your head space and your soul.
It has that gorgeously organic sound to it, and it’s a track that would brighten up any evening out from the moment it started to play.