The piercing hit of each synth & riff works incredibly well in sending those uplifting shivers that energize & inspire. The whole thing rains down around you in the way that authentic, effective dance music should.
The simplicity of the piece is beautiful, it works for you without drawing too much focus to the artists. Other than the clear skill that’s gone into crafting it, the experience isn’t about anyone but you. It’s music for the music fan, and it works gorgeously in this way.
Whenever we seek out the soundtrack to a quick drive or to wake us up in the morning, this is the sort of smooth yet clever ambiance we turn to. There’s nothing overly personal that detaches the track from the listener – on the contrary, it feels like it’s been made for you; exactly the way we like to feel when we turn to music.
Rose has the addictive qualities of an alternative hit, complex in terms of the details & the thought that’s gone into it, but simple in terms of the melody & the overall vibe & sound you take away. Undoubtedly a top track from the whole of 2018 so far. Incredibly clever, catchy, stylish, and refreshingly unique right now.
There are bars here, clever lines and soulful deliveries, as well as a clear connection to the art form and to this musical soundscape. The perfect kind of vibe to see you through the remaining quarter of 2018.
As far as independent music goes, the dedication, skill, and sheer enjoyment of the craft doesn’t get much clearer and more enjoyable for an audience than this.
With a melodic strength and synth-driven ambiance not unlike Years & Years, but the heartfelt delicacy of a more personal singer-songwriter approach, Friends introduces Lorenzo Doryon’s sound and creative style in a memorable way.
This Nostalgia Lost Remix of Say A Prayer brings a quickly enjoyable, vintage dance vibe to the stage, adding multiple layers of energy and colour to the song in an unexpectedly effective way.
The concept & the leading voice remain prominent, calm but steady & always familiar; the essential threads that make this what it is. Elsewhere though, the music builds & builds, moving from mild to immense & dramatic in a few short minutes.
There’s a clear level of freedom within the writing, a certain sense of being carefree – lost in the harmony, wrapped up in the melody – and thanks to all of this in unison, the effect passes over to you as you listen.
The simple joy of a well written song upon an entrancing musical groove. I wouldn’t be surprised to hear this pouring through via playlists everywhere.
It’s a relationship song with a twist, and the switch from the melancholy verses to the hopeful hook – it’s not too bad – makes for something that resolves in a satisfying way.