From rhythmic and dance-hall inspired verses, a contemporary, organic charm emerges, alongside an equally charming, characterful leading vocal from Alex, and this lays bare the details and longing of the writing.


Evolving from blissfully delicate beginnings, through softly soulful vocals and a bold, beautiful sense of rising anticipation – COY Swede’s Lose Heart is the uplifting, heartfelt hit of EDM-pop fusion 2020 has been waiting for.


Offering a hint of an Outkast influence in the vocal tone, and in the creativity, Bad Chick ultimately marches to the beat of its own drum – and delivers a level of admiration for the women in life who do the same.

Hip Hop

Pushing the creative boundaries all the more so with perhaps his most heartfelt and poetic release yet, Miami’s D.Tech blends engaging melodies with sublime imagery and a soundscape designed to melt away your anxieties.

Alt PopHip HopRnB

Fast Paced & Freakish rattles along and has a real confidence and swagger in its delivery, and it really delivers. In Erin’s vocal we get a convincing, accomplish, tuneful and connected performance that lies at the heart of the song, also utilising multiple layered vocals in the chorus to hammer the points home.

Indie RockRock