Phoenix/NEBULIN are an incredible band, they do what they do with absolute conviction & power. It makes for a stunning playlist – the sort you can return to again & again; whenever the noise of the world seems a little too disjointed or overwhelming.
The sort of release that reminds you of the power of the album, the strength of a collection under a particular light – the experience is much more mighty when taken on in its entirety, as intended.
The project brings back the artist’s uniquely creative approach to music production. This is the work of a composer, a musical craftsman. The sound is so crisp & real yet equally smooth & dreamlike.
Organic, acoustic, folk-esque instrumentation & heart warming harmonies a-plenty – Megg Farrell’s album Fear Nothing is a total joy to embrace on a rainy weekend. The rhythm & good vibes will remind you of the wonderful things in life.
As you make your way through the songs on this project, the colour, the concepts, the confusion – it all navigates proudly through deep thought, & it exercises a refusal to simply comply or feed into the rat race of modern life.
This is definitely one of the more interesting & genuine pop releases of recent years, and that’s not at the cost of quality – far from it. These songs are supremely well polished. Celeste Buckingham is making waves & it’s no wonder why.
Marino’s creativity needs no helping hand, his desire to craft musical experiences far outweighs a simple ability to perform. The instrumentation is unexpected, free from the prison of genre or industry labels – just the sort of thing this type of music was intended to represent.
The songwriting combined with the leading voice are what really make this project stand out. It’s refreshing to hear this genre making waves, what’s even more refreshing though, is how interesting, unexpected, and provocative so much of the writing is.
An undeniably unique album. A defiantly special project that fans of stories, folk music, and alternative artistry alike will enjoy embracing.
An easy choice for anyone looking for that pop-rock sound with a little something fresh & unusual. The music works its magic in the best possible way.
The production quality is flawless, the creativity is so free from the confines of expectation or industry rules. It’s a pleasure to embrace this album.
An incredible sound; raw, real, beautiful & vibrant. The songs are fantastic, classic after classic, each track as addictive & uplifting as the last.