A refreshingly hard-hitting collection that’s over-flowing with nostalgically infectious rock & roll rhythms & vibes
Rebecca Cullen
Love is always easy to write about, but difficult to actually experience – from that experience I can easily write sadder songs.
Gray presents an ever-changing ambiance with an evolving mood, various layers of detail, and a number of unexpected drops both to newer heights & to calmer, spacious levels.
WBM doesn’t hide behind effects & weight & volume, it just is what is – this is art as presented in the moment, emotional & genuine.
The emotion grows throughout, drawing you in further, filling you with an overwhelming sense of possibility.
Be an artist. Don’t be a copyist. Don’t follow trends & fashions. Don’t try to please others. You’ll be a much happier person. You can look back & be proud that you did things your way.
Classic, progressive rock fans or those who’ve tired of the predictable string of releases from recent years will likely respond positively to this experience. Listen in full, listen loud.
A song about war, simply put – about fighting for what you believe in; precisely what Grant is doing with his music & indeed his life right now.
You get a sense this music comes naturally to the artist, which, combined with these folk-rock, acoustic ska rhythms & vibes, makes for a totally enjoyable EP.
A three-track instrumental EP fairly certain to get your heart racing. Steve Wheeler is a composer who drives with energy & passion. These neo-classical audio dramatizations hit with intense impact.
Oddnote have an incredibly hard-hitting, traditional rock sound that just oozes style & authenticity right now
The song leaves its mark in a strong way. The music is beautiful & the song on the whole speaks volumes for its genuine touch.