There’s a speech at the heart of it – a graduation style reminder of the depths of the world and our roles within it. In addition, the music has a certain hypnotic softness that fills the room in a soothing way. 

Hip-HopPopSpoken Word

Amaru writes for an audience, you can hear this throughout the album – the collection is eclectic, inclusive, and ever-changing; never falling victim to one single way of doing things.


The presentation of this topic, the evolving sense of emotion, and indeed the additional vocals that strengthen certain moments in a choir-like fashion – all of this underlines the song’s inherently real approach to expression in a powerful way.


This album presents audiences with hit after hit after indie anthem, loaded with equal parts delicacy and weight, weaving around you colourful riffs and melodies and lyrical concepts, all honest and genuine sounding.


Jamel Myles’ story has been told here in an open and painful manner, which is really the only way to tell it – and it needs to be told if we are ever to see the end of this hatred and evil at the core of bullying and prejudice
