There’s something about this artist and this sound that just breathes innovation into the scene. At the same time, the softness and humble delivery of that leading voice is so quietly confident that there’s an additional level of realness and even something slightly endearing about the whole thing.

Alt PopHip-HopIndie-PopJazzTrip-Hop

Morning Inspiration is everything the jazz and blues fan needs in order to rise up and face the day with a smile – it’s also increasingly impressive from a musical perspective, adding further fuel to the fire and helping cement this as a go-to project.


Those who seek a deeper spiritual connection with the Earth and a stronger understanding of life itself will undoubtedly feel right at home here. Jerome speaks with a beautifully soothing and meditative vocal style, amidst an ambient backdrop that gorgeously supports that state of calm and peacefulness.

HazyJane shine brightly with a classic and comforting pop-rock sound on this latest EP. The conceptually framed project unites the four seasons – Temporibus being a Latin term for in the times or seasons.


Jacob Seeger’s vocal melts hearts on this new release. Backed up by a simple and fairly retro, unusually quirky backdrop, there are as many fresh and energizing qualities to Down as there are those that feel familiar and comforting. 


Shani sparkles in true summer fashion with this latest release. Emerging complete with a classically styled video and a retro soundscape, Everything fuses the best of yesteryear with a fresh vocal and a string of contemporary references; helping create a perfectly accessible vibe for mainstream music fans across the board. 
