A beautiful song, comforting & uplifting to listen to at volume, recognizable for its simple but effective hook section, and powerful without appearing insincere.
Walking the creative line somewhere between Jack Johnson & John Butler Trio, with an occasional, relevant dash of emotional turmoil.
His approach to production is that of a deeply creative, expressive nature, but at the same time, the attention to detail & the sheer finish & effect of the music underlines a superbly professional outlook.
As the song evolves, the music grows brighter & more intense, the energy levels sky-rocket, and the passion in the delivery reaches powerful new heights.
It lays out the perfect balance between calm & manic – hyped but fully in control, or rather, willingly lost in the rhythm of the audio; just as it is when you find yourself unable to stop dancing.
The track just flows & flows, it’s hypnotic, the content is relatable – how they deal with the ways of the music industry, the values of real life & experience in contrast with material worth; it’s inspiring.
Everything from the opening instrumentation to the artwork for this single refuses to scream out for attention. It’s subtle, humble, and charming in being so.
Shorelines to Sutton have done everything right in getting to where they are. The musicianship is on point, impressive & expressive at the same time, varied & interesting, tight. The songwriting is real & meaningful.
The Acorns have long been focused on honing their sound to a unique degree, and this two-track EP stands as a strong testament to that effort.
Something tells me that much like the continent she calls home, her music holds countless untold treasures for us to unearth as we explore & get to know her identity as an artist as time goes by.
Rebecca Rogers Davis may slave away for The Man during her days, but we hear her real vocation here – a songwriter & born entertainer who will hopefully keep writing & recording for some time to come.
A playlist that feels somewhat nostalgic or reminiscent or other moments, but that consistently pushes you outside of your comfort zone & creates entirely new thought patterns & ideas to ponder.