It’s a profound and powerful topic, explored honestly, in an engaging manner, and with a certain lightness and bounce that ultimately helps soften the blow.
Undoubtedly an eclectic, talented band, with lashings of integrity and soul to bring to the stage.
Pristine production and a clear love for the process unite in waves for this quickly infectious new single from Larry D Hawkins.
Taking full advantage of an unexpected, minute-long instrumental intro, Mark Royal showcases a deeper sense of artistry than most for what is ultimately a smooth and dark fusion of hip hop and alternative pop.
Juan Minatta leads with heartbreakingly honest lyrics and blissfully emotive, clean-cut vocals on this brand new and revealing single Run Away.
The Haunted North offer up an energizing live rock set – four original tracks, brought to you straight from the stage; complete with raw energy, passion, and that subtle crowd sound to remind you of the better days.
Easily a personal favorite from Winchester 7 & the Runners so far – In The Morning Light is a quirky yet engaging, calming indie pop-rock classic that’s a blissful joy to listen through.
Manny Cabo pours his heart and soul into this new single, compassionately dedicating it to the world’s front-liners.
The higher vocal moments hit with immense passion, the sort of vocal peak and subtle crackle that appears genuinely united with the lyrical sentiments.
Ian Byarm blends an addictive melody and creative soundscape for this latest single.
It’s beautiful and satisfying: be bathed by its waters and wash off all your troubles…
Perhaps the most eclectic & interesting variety of originals from a singer-songwriter so far this summer. Parmy Dhillon writes from the heart and the depths of the mind, whilst also making sure to be audience aware every step of the way.