Organic guitar finger-picking with a mildly effected, almost medieval-style tone leads us into this acoustic & passionate delivery from Melbourne couple Julius & Cheryl Bergado.
“Although technology is dividing us and making us more narcissistic, it’s also the only tool we have to spread the message of consciousness and mindfulness.”
Laying out the details of a broken heart can be a difficult task, but Lorenzo opens up entirely here, bringing both personal story-telling and that inherent professional touch to the stage in a fairly fool-proof way.
“I think as a collective we have a fair amount of experience performing live so we should be able to conjure some thunder and cast some spells of rock n roll hell onstage!”
Depression & anxiety are subtle but certain driving factors behind the whole thing, and as you witness the accompanying video – beautifully shot & focusing on the humanity of the concept – you gather a genuine understanding of both the vastness at the heart of the struggle, and the togetherness that can ultimately help ease the pain. A stunning new release with a powerful undertone.
A stunning project, his best yet without a doubt, and as always – a total joy to write about. There’s a classic or timeless feel to the entire playlist and it’s well worth losing yourself within for a while.
The song’s latter half – mainly the outro, the meeting of every instrumental layer as the hook gathers momentum, makes for a huge moment that’s close to impossible to not feel involved in.
As Walt Disney said ‘If you can dream it, you can do it’. There is no 100% sure way to success. Everyone must find his own way. The most important thing is to find your own sound & build your network.
Tim Spriggs writes from a notably personal perspective, but it’s intriguing & accessible all at once – as if he’s speaking on those things we’d been thinking about, but hadn’t been able to put into words.
There seem to be an unlimited number of ways to experience the song, and in any case – you’re likely to notice and appreciate the depth of the musical ability and the sheer artistry of the whole journey.
Bruce Lee was a hero of mine growing up, I’ve probably seen Enter The Dragon more times than any other movie. He was ahead of his time, not just in terms of martial arts & being an Asian actor, but he was also a great philosopher. He was a maverick & made no apologies.
Collegians have their own sound & their own approach to songwriting right now. Furthermore, their musicianship is right where it needs to be. A live show is the only thing that would better listening at full volume from the comfort of your own home.