Brendan McMahon strikes from the heart with this EP. Songs written from the perspective of a traveler, learning the ways of the world, the reality that stands in contrast with what we’re led to believe from afar.
This is precisely the kind of pop song that provides both the ear worm required to make you remember it, and the stylish rhythm and soul to make it feel perfectly enjoyable in any number of settings.
Never stop learning. Read books & poetry & short stories. Watch documentaries & educational videos. Go to private classes & seminars and meet ups. Always take the chance to learn something new.
The music is so easy going, it creates the perfect rhythm & ambiance to calm an audience, and Milhe’s vocal performance excels throughout.
The music has a definite stamp of identity, the leading vocalist has the perfect rock-meets-EDM tone & performance style to deliver with weight.
A piece of music is never really finished. I used to think music has to be filled to the brim, but you never fill a whisky glass to the top now do you?
The delicacy of trip-hop & the weight of rock explode into life, cascading around you, creating this truly compelling, complex piece of music & writing.
The songwriting is the heart of the work. It’s art doing what art does best, catering to feelings & highlighting them in a compelling, creatively free way.
There are some real moments of power throughout, as well as those raw, intimate moments that offer further insight into what the band are about.
One of the most striking things about the collection is the lyricism. There’s emotion & personality, but also a fly-on-the-wall sort of feeling to it all.
There are distinct sounds throughout this collection that remind you of what a special project it is. This is music created by a unique & passionate artist.
The hook spirals around in your mind, building & building with the music; even in the aftermath of the audio – you’re still caught up in the song.