“One major misconception that people always have is just because we are twins, that means we are the same in every way and in everything we do. This is not true, we have very different personalities and approach life with our own opinions and ideas.”
“Being kind is a trait that the three of us think is important, no one wants to meet another snobby Rockstar!”
“I have spent the year of lockdown getting lost in my creative pursuits, writing and recording music at furious pace.”
“I definitely think live performances are important. I think that’s the biggest thing I need right now for exposure – I don’t have an ideal spot but any place with a crowd and a mic I’m ready to bless any stage fasho.”
In its essence, Deer Pilot is a no-punches-pulled rock band. There’s no vocal tuning, no fixing, no fakery of any kind. The goal is to sound like real humans playing music. The sound you get live is what goes on the records.
“I write about a lot of emotional distress, struggles with depression, anxiety, tough subjects in general. But it really helps to take these dark subjects and sing about them in a way that’s humorous—sometimes sardonic would be a better word.”
Rapper and artist Saint Brown stops by to talk about life during the pandemic, his new music, what inspires him, and his plans creatively moving forwards.
“A heartbreak, a moment of happiness, intense feelings of love for someone or a social message; song writing offers the opportunity to pour any or all of the emotions, thoughts and experiences into a song.”
“Performing is incredible, it’s the best feeling to be on a stage, singing in front of people, making them smile.”
Life-long musician and early grunge pioneer from the Seattle area Kevin Wood has played in a plethora of bands over the years. His catalogue spans the decades and showcases an unquestionable connection to rock musicianship. We caught an interview with him to dig a little deeper into his journey and experiences across the musical eras. … Continued
“Being in a state where everything just connects and you completely clear your mind of thoughts and collectively go with the flow is the best part of playing music together. It’s therapeutic at times.”
“I’m very much a proponent of listening and watching. So many different things inspire me to be creative. I think it’s important.”