Klef Mikaydo, with his lyricism & beats, has concocted a song so incredibly relatable, so incredibly sexy, that you can’t help but feel the urge to roll a blunt & pregame with a house full of beautiful women waiting to dance the night away.


Justin Don is a creative who has crafted a uniquely ambient playlist for music fans, bringing together elements of hip hop & dreamlike electronica alike, paving the way for a calming experience that’s as fit for escapism as it is those moments where we desire a little understanding or some humanity.

Alt PopHip-HopRnB

SNY throws out a party anthem for the hip hop world with this latest single. He shows no signs of slowing down & his music seeks to push for the same sort of belief within the listener. 


Jaydcrazy and J-Matt are a duo bringing something relevant yet mildly fresh to modern music fans. Their voices have a contemporary finish, as does the use of melody and the concept, but various others elements help give this song something a little different.


With each new listen to French 75, the more the details & the ambiance appeal – they sound increasingly original & enjoyable as you familiarise yourself with them, giving the song a touch of longevity; and drawing you in even further towards Alex Blocker as an artist. 
