A simple and smooth beat meets with a clear sense of melody and rhythm from a songwriting perspective, making Van Kings’ Tell Me a fine introduction to an artist and lyricist with a clear connection to the process.
Without doubt, a personal favourite from the Dingazz Music catalogue to date, and a gorgeous song regardless of genre or style – a perfectly calming reminder that things will be OK in the end.
“The main values I want to bring to the music world are Originality, Transparency, Clarity and Class. You know, the ability to keep making and delivering something undiluted, music that doesn’t sound like someone else’s – standing out is the deal.
The beat is superb, fusing a little of that dance-hall bounce with a more melancholic aura that helps highlight the underlying truth and emotion of the song.
Standing tall on the knowledge that sometimes songs need to hibernate for a few years, Mostacho Xprmnt knows that good art can’t be rushed, and the final release of Ocean – six years after its initial creation – speaks volumes on behalf of that.
As a producer, speakea𝟝y describes his music as ‘angsty millennial type beats’. Perhaps this is the perfect way to define his approach, but there’s far more to the sound and experience of this project than a simple four-word phrase can express. Depth and substance play a huge part, lyrically and in terms of the emotion and mood that each soundscape presents you with.
A beautiful song, lyrically refreshing, structurally simple yet subtly creative in the same instance – long-form bars intertwine with shorter fragments of ideas. Delicacy meets with grit – images of peace are contrasted by those of violence; again subtly, just prominent enough to leave a mark.
Jacob Seeger’s vocal melts hearts on this new release. Backed up by a simple and fairly retro, unusually quirky backdrop, there are as many fresh and energizing qualities to Down as there are those that feel familiar and comforting.
There’s a certain passionate depth to the writing, and the featured singer handles and presents this with an air of realness. Behind the vocal though, the soundscape is decidedly complex, unexpectedly detailed and multi-layered to the point that you can pick up something new with each revisit.
Digging deep into precisely the story-line implied by the title, Thank God You Cheated holds nothing back – regret and betrayal roam free throughout the lyrics, the verses in particular detailing both the heartbreak and the desire to move forwards.
Despite the complex and impressive nature of the instrumentation, it takes nothing away from the natural qualities of the voice. Impeccable production, incredibly skillful and absolutely worthy of any and all praise sent through.
I think this song is quite brilliant. It’s entertaining, layered, engaging, wears its empty heart on its sleeve and is all the more powerful the more you think about what you’ve just heard.