Balancing stellar production with a crisp, clean finish, a big bass-line, and a notably contemporary tone – On God tops off a likable experience with an impressive hit of identity and style.

Hip HopRnB

Pushing the creative boundaries all the more so with perhaps his most heartfelt and poetic release yet, Miami’s D.Tech blends engaging melodies with sublime imagery and a soundscape designed to melt away your anxieties.

Alt PopHip HopRnB

Fusing the delicacy of a seductive guitar tone with a compressed beat at a comforting pace, Dylan proceeds to offer an intimate, up-close and personal vocal line, which meanders through a simple melody; leaning softly towards hip hop in consistently effortless ways.

Alt PopHip HopProducerRnBTrip Hop

Proclaiming give love and heal the broken, Human takes a vague and all-inclusive approach to exploring its concept – welcoming everyone, encouraging self-love and acceptance of things and people the way they are.


Verde Rose kicks off 2020 with an easy hip hop anthem that utilizes a few simple elements and layers, offering up a smooth hit of intimacy that more than lives up to the metaphorical implications of the title.

Hip HopRnB