Leading with a quickly engaging, trip-hop-kissed soundscape, and a beautifully expressive, confidently flawless yet characterful leading voice, the balance between style & natural emotion is immense; a huge part of what makes High such a rightfully addictive track.

Alt PopPopRnBTrip Hop

Proving with beautiful purity and talent alike, that it’s never too late to start something – Mason Holiday was in his thirties before he took up learning guitar. His new single, the minimalistic yet sentimental Heaven, is one of 2020’s most heartfelt and intimate releases to date.


Faithful rounds things up with a stunning melody, a questioning, intimate lyrical top layer, those gorgeously hypnotic, breathy vocals, and a blissfully soothing balance between acoustic guitar-picking and piano.

Dream PopIndie PopPop

Fusing a simple yet addictive string riff, with a contemporary beat and a doubled-vocal line that digs deep into personal relations and reflections on life – RianMusic’s The One is a uniquely recognisable song that quickly leaves its mark.

Alt PopElectro PopPop