A catchy melody, a rhythm & bounce that will most probably win over a number of audiences who revel in the boldness & colour of modern pop music.
Sometimes when writing a song you don’t know what it’s about until it tells you. Often I come away & think, ‘Wow, that was actually what was being said?’.
An incredibly talented songwriter donating EP proceeds this October to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital to help others suffering with childhood cancer.
The sound of the vocal & certain retro instrumental samples make for a clear & crisp contrast with the thickness & weight of the rhythm & bass beneath them.
There’s so much personality & emotion in the performance as the song moves from the gentler, almost whispered verses, to the much more bold sounding hook.
Sometimes a good song is all that’s needed; nothing fancy or over the top to enhance the ideas – just the song, and a performance that means something.
The soulful smoothness of any seductive R&B classic. Connects on a deep & intimate level, as well providing those essential good vibes we rely on music for.
Every element assists the music & emotion as they evolve. The voice rises in passion, the instrumentation intensifies, the lyrics become upfront & direct.
The strength of this uniting of elements drives the song. The hook lingers in your mind long after listening & there’s a definite sense of character.
A sensational melody – hearing it once is remembering it for the long term, hearing it twice sets in stone that this is a satisfying, go-to country ballad.
The production shows itself to be well crafted towards the latter half of the song, and the whole thing becomes notably familiar the further along you get.
The production is on par with the best, the songwriting & performances add that necessary touch of humanity to really bring it into a world of its own.