Sandy’s lyrics on Nightsky appear as notably personal, intimate and uninhibited – addressing a significant other, in a manner that feels almost like a reading from a private letter. The breathy and gentle nature of the delivery, along with the simple ambiance surrounding it, helps really reinforce this honest and genuine approach.


Peyton’s vocals are stunning, there’s no question about that, and this song showcases that ability in unison with a clear and genuine level of soul that carries the underlying sentiments through with unstoppable strength. What a tune.

Folk PopPop

Noella Rain gets quietly candid about contemporary insecurities and self-esteem on this latest single. ‘Wash it all off’ – start over from scratch and remind yourself of who you are and that you’re beautiful.


Singer and songwriter Flora leads with impeccable melodies and a brilliantly uplifting hook on this latest single. Atomic is a heartfelt and beautifully crafted pop song, poetic yet accessible, and showcasing an artist with a faultless vocal ability and a certain appreciative nature that’s easy to like.


Controversially one of the hottest Latin artists in Miami, Kaseeno kicks off the summer season with unquestionable rhythm and good vibes. The video and single combined undoubtedly make sure to warm things up ready for festival and beach season.


A heart-warming, intimate and honest display of gratitude and appreciation for a significant other, which is refreshing to listen to right now, and breathes a wonderful breath of positivity into the music world.

Folk PopPop

Noella Usborne tackles intimacy and a fear of being broken by love on this latest single. Leading with unquestionable honesty, the song is open and relatable for its genuine approach to contemporary relationship issues.
