Leading with a soulful vocal, a moment of quiet expression, followed by a powerful and immersive build-up towards the mighty drop of the hook, Your Love effectively walks the line between pop and EDM – bringing together fans of both worlds.
The beautiful, glistening and clean production creates the perfect backdrop for the narrative, and some smart decisions around the mix and vocal capture, double-tracking and reverbs all compliment City Lights. Long may we bask in them, when they sound this lush and opulent.
There is a certain cool to Iggy Mayerov’s vocals (which are a little similar to Ladyhawke at times, but without being over-produced) and she seems in control of her image and her delivery here. Silence is intricate and complex, and I’ll be looking for future output with genuine interest.
Everything is wonderful about this, including the musicianship. Inevitably, it won’t be to everyone’s taste. But if you aren’t a little curious after reading this, you probably don’t deserve ears. It really is that good!
Very much channelling a Lumineers vibe, we get treated to a guitar solo, subtle layer of busy backing vocals, additional percussion, a dead stop… yup, there is loads going on, but it doesn’t feel like it. It feels great!
It’s a fresh sounding track that delivers on every level: sonically interesting, beautifully and sensitively sung and with a great arrangement and panache that’s bordering on being embarrassingly confident!
Rising up slowly, from intimate delicacy and subtle hints of saxophone, to the fully immersive embrace of an EDM soundscape, the song celebrates love and a sense of spontaneity – inspiring the search for freedom, a moment of peace and calm outside of the rat-race.
The compelling, descending, long-form melody of the verse paves the way with perfect anticipation towards the ultimate and mighty resolve of the hook.
Fresh from the album True Stories, Vol. 1, Magic (Connie’s Song) introduces the deeply soulful and musically extraordinary strengths of Toronto’s Queen Pepper in a subtly powerful way.
Beautiful songwriting, a complex yet captivating, meandering melody, a powerful structure, stunning vocals with a unique softness and purity – all of this meets with impeccable sound design and engaging flickers of organic musicality for this single.
Where certain layers seem decidedly vintage in this mix, certain others add a likable flicker of contemporary freedom, ultimately helping reinforce the underlying sentiments of the song; Free your mind… You can be anything that you want.
We’re all too busy for the important things sometimes, too busy being right, self-involved, arguing. We should be busy being happy resounds from the quiet instrumental break, staying with you long after listening.