During times as divisive as these, it’s easy to forget that we are all human, living together, not apart. Luckily for us, Mark Ambuter has created Love is Everywhere to remind us all of that.
Hard Rock
Genre and stylistic labels aside for a moment, Jonni Lost drive with superb songwriting on this EP – Hang On is an immediately likable song that quickly grows to be an addictive and rather unforgettable track; with timeless qualities.
Creatively walking multiple lines between raw indie rock and dreamlike shoe-gaze or grunge, James Dean Death Machine presents a notably live sound on this album Leave a Pretty Corpse – inviting the listener to stand front and centre as this rain of bass-lines, beats and vocal grit pours down before them.
The band tick so many boxes when it comes to music as both freedom from turmoil and a blanket of understanding and acceptance.
Bad Bones keep classic rock and roll alive and kicking with this latest album High Rollers. Bursting through with high octane power chords and impressively fast-paced drum work, American Days introduces the project in a bold way.
The band manage to maintain a brilliantly skillful balance between intense levels of energy and a delicate emotional honesty; even vulnerability.
A perfect single, and an even more perfect band for any rock mix, Silver Citizen is sure to please anyone who enjoys the sound of music still played by real musicians with real instruments and actual talent.
There hasn’t been a track yet from this creative that hasn’t fascinated me, or that hasn’t given off a careful fusion of so many elements that you just don’t seem to come across anymore these days. Absolutely a collection worth exploring.
What a track… Soul On Fire introduces the DeadEyeChokeHold sound with a superb fusion of gritty, soulful, hard hitting electronic rock and the songwriting style of a deep thinker.
This is the kind of project you play on repeat, mastering every element in your mind before perhaps attempting to replicate some of them as your inner musician pushes for freedom. A quality release and a further testament to the unwavering skill and energy of Mike LePond’s Silent Assassins.
It’s hard to put a flavor label on exactly what EverIgnite’s particular strain of rock is, but if I had to describe it – it’s everything rock has been in the last thirty years, aged to perfection & served smooth.
Imbred’s return this month brings perhaps an even harder hitting display of classic grunge than anything from before. The songs offer a string of single word titles & ideas that provoke a certain level of thinking; personal reflection, consideration of mental health, feelings of isolation & the little things we turn to for relief.