This is still early days for Ramsey, but his voice has the tone and character to hit with unique impact, and the emotion he injects into every release offers a genuine moment of humanity and natural talent.
There’s melancholy, sure, and wistfulness and tunefulness and I’ve already talked about the earnestness and authenticity on display. It’s a regular smorgasbord of thought, narrative storytelling and emoting and it doesn’t hang about.
Raymond Revel stands tall on the strength of compelling, authentic and poetic songwriting with this release. The opening words alone shine with genuine heart and soul amidst a purely acoustic guitar-led backdrop.
Life is never what anyone simply expects it to be, but there is so much value and connection found in memories – even those we previously thought of as difficult or unwanted.
Even during the final few weeks, these last gasps from a long year, some of 2019’s very best songs still seem to be just now emerging. Kris Angelis is an artist whose music always impresses – engages, calms, fascinates. This particular release though, seems to be in its own league entirely. Offering a fine balance … Continued
Armed initially with only an acoustic guitar, soulful vocals and a poetic, hopeful yet realist outlook, Bobbo Byrnes paints a powerful picture with his decidedly relevant new single.
This is a charming and wistful Christmas song that sneaks up with cold hands and a mug of warm toddy to let you know that you matter.
There’s nothing to hide behind here, no over-use of effects or production details, this is just the artist and his music, as authentic as can be.
A stunning collection, humble yet brilliant – precisely the kind of artist we should all be celebrating.
A far stretch away from the bells and over-production more commonly on display at this time of year. Joe The Bluesman leans towards the likes of The Pogues with this single, yet maintaining the opening acoustic purity throughout the entire lifespan of the beautifully thoughtful and appreciative Christmas With You.
Line undoubtedly is an act set on stirring things up lyrically, offering what no artist has before, and doing so under a professional and skillful musical light. Shocking, uncomfortable, chaotic lyrics ride alongside of pristine ambiances and melodic purity.
Leading with a touch of that country twang, a blues or folk-like soundscape, a quietly uplifting shuffle of a rhythm, and an almost trip-hop-like aura on the whole, the song strands tall on the strength of its own concept, and Kris Angelis more than delivers.