This visual and audio release from SPLICY effectively utilises a synth-soaked, 70’s pop vibe to create an implication of contrast between the female icons of that decade, and the contemporary girls who spend their time trying to get the right angle and filter for an Instagram post. The artwork and this multi-coloured, rainbow-kissed image represents … Continued

Electro PopPop

Fusing a simple yet addictive string riff, with a contemporary beat and a doubled-vocal line that digs deep into personal relations and reflections on life – RianMusic’s The One is a uniquely recognisable song that quickly leaves its mark.

Alt PopElectro PopPop

Borrowing the keyboard aesthetic of a Tame Impala album, On My Mind is a very cool piece of electro pop that is chock-full of aural delights. Truly great arranging and sharp production elevate a memorable tale of longing.

ChilloutElectro PopPop

The ever-impressive Jerad Finck has recently secured a well-deserved record deal with label AntiFragile Music. Enter a re-branding, a newly marked out pathway to success, and here comes some brand new music from a quickly memorable BLAZAR.

Electro PopPop